Become a Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor $2500
Name/logo and website link on sponsorship page on WCC website; recognition in marketing materials and publicity; full page ad in AIC program, table at event; Sponsor-provided banner displayed at AIC
Benefactor Sponsor $1500
Name/logo and website link on sponsorship page on WCC website; recognition in marketing materials and publicity, ½ page ad in AIC program, table at event
Entertainment Sponsor $1000
Name/logo and website link on sponsorship page on WCC website; recognition in marketing materials and publicity, ¼ page ad in AIC program, table at event
Celebrating Sponsor $500
Name/logo and website link on sponsorship page on WCC website; recognition in marketing materials and publicity, 1/8 page ad in AIC program, table at event
Artistic Sponsor $250
Name/logo and website link on sponsorship page on WCC website; recognition in marketing materials and publicity, name in AIC program
Patron Sponsor $100
Name/donor acknowledged in AIC program and listed on WCC website
Friends Sponsor $50
Name/donor listed in Arts in Common program
All major level sponsors may be mentioned in publicity materials provided that commitment and payment is made prior to the materials being released. Deadline for inclusion on t-shirts, signage and printed materials is August 15, 2024. If you have a logo, please email a JPG, GIF, or PNG image (high resolution preferred) for use on the website and other materials to maureenj1@verizon.net
Please make checks payable to: Westborough Cultural Council
Mail PDF form and payment to:
Westborough Cultural Council
Attn: Maureen Johnson
34 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581